Friday, July 18, 2014

It's Official! I Have a Mission Statement!

Back in March, I wrote a post about mission statements.  Not only do companies and corporations have mission statements, but a pastor who visited our church explained that he had his own personal mission statement.  If you want to see that post, click here.  Well gang, I promised that I would share my mission statement with you once I was able to discover it, and after a handful of months, I have finally found it: 

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want…” (Psalm 23:1). 

I don’t know why it took me so long to come to this very familiar verse.  I scoured my devotions, ran word and topic searches on, and reviewed all my favorite stories and passages in the Bible.  But I could never quite commit to anything.  I knew, however, that patience was my best ally, and one day the right verse would emerge.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have a terrible memory, but a few years ago I endeavored to memorize Psalm 23, and after practicing each morning and night during my travels to and from work, I was able to accomplish my goal.  But let’s be honest:  A mission statement is supposed to be concise and focused, and even though the 23rd Psalm is only 6 verses long, it was too long to claim for my mission statement.  So I settled on verse one because it encapsulates truths of the entire Psalm. 

I want my mission statement to be, first and foremost, a guiding light for myself.  When days are hard, I want to lean on the words for strength; when days are great, I want to lift up those words in thanksgiving.  But I also want to share the words with others when they need encouragement or a bit of light on their path.  

Let’s break the verse down a little bit….The first two words, “The Lord,” are important.  They remind me what should be first in my life.  An online dictionary defines “Lord” as, “someone or something having power, authority, or influence; a master or ruler.”  Two words jump out at me from this definition:  First, God is power.  He has power that is vast (total world creation, for starters) and power that is personal and gentle (reaching into our everyday lives and loving us, among others).  Second, is the idea that lordship is influence.  God is active in our lives every day.  From small things to big, He guides our steps, shapes our futures, heals our wounds, and shines His light into our hearts. 

Okay, let’s move on to the next words of my brand-new mission statement:  “The Lord is my shepherd.”  A shepherd is watchful, protective, and careful with his flock.  Sheep are adorable little fluffballs, but they are often considered dumb.  My stupidity often gets me into trouble, and I am glad that I have a Good Shepherd to reach down and pluck me out of trouble.  Shepherds live with their flock and are therefore very aware of each sheep’s strengths, weaknesses, and personality quirks.  God knows each of us intimately, perhaps even better than we know ourselves, and He loves and cares for us.  When we need correction or redirection, He reaches out with his shepherd’s crook to guide us to the better path.  When sheep stray or become lost, the shepherd searches them out in order to bring them back into the fold. 

The last part of the verse is “I shall not want.”  God truly is concerned with the little things as well as the big.  If I am struggling, it is often then that the perfect words come to me through an email, devotion, or trusted friend…at just the right time.  That’s not coincidence, in my book; that is provision by a faithful God.  Nor is our God distant, looking at our lives from a long way off; He is close – in fact His Spirit is within us.  You can’t get any closer than that!  The idea of not being in want is tricky….please don’t think that I believe God is some kind of omniscient slot machine, dolling out my heart’s desires when I hit the right combination of prayers and petitions.  God has ensured that I have what I need by also not answering my prayers.  There have been many heartfelt, long-enduring prayers that have remained unanswered, or answered with a resounding “no.”  Looking back on my life, there were many things I thought I needed (perhaps thought I would die without), that were actually not the best things for me.  So this “I shall not want” coin has two sides.  It also reassures me that I have a loving, powerful, influential Lord ruling over my life and providing for me at every curve and crossroad. 

So there you have it:  “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want." 

It has been fun searching out my words.  If you haven’t yet chosen your life’s mission statement, start digging around to see if there are some words that speak to you and might act as your guiding light.  May the truth of those words inspire and encourage you each and every day!