Hi again, friends!
Perhaps you remember the old adage, "You are what you eat." I always thought it was an odd thing to say, and as a kid I took it quite literally, believing that I would become (literally) what I ate. My step-brother and I, having been inspired by Saturday morning cartoons, believed that we would become stronger if we ate our spinach like Popeye did. Our aluminum swing set (the inexpensive type that could be purchased at the local Kmart and assembled at home) tipped over in the yard; we raced inside to eat a can of spinach that would fuel our ability to set our swing set upright (we had to use the can opener, I'm afraid, unlike Popeye who could just squeeze the can until the lid popped open). We ate our spinach and raced back outside and easily righted our swing set...the old adage (and Popeye cartoons) held true. At the tender age of 7 and 5 were victorious!
Modern-day Orthodox Jews also believe in the notion that they are what they eat. A few years ago I read an article called "Soul Food," written by a rabbi to kosher-practicing Jews. The article explains the rationale behind Jewish dietary laws which have their roots in Leviticus. He explains that, in part, their kosher laws are in place because what a person takes into her body can impact her soul. He says, "Even the types of animals we eat are chosen in part for their symbolism. The ruminants that have split hooves tend to be tranquil, domesticated animals that have no natural weapons. These are animals whose characteristics we may absorb through eating. We may not eat scavengers, carnivores or birds of prey -- these are not characteristics that we want to absorb at all." They believe that what they spend time eating will manifest itself in their characters...dare I say their souls! (Here's a link to the article if you'd like to read it: http://ohr.edu/explore/explore_judaism/993).
Well, I haven't been paying careful attention to what I've been eating lately (I just snuck down to the refrigerator for a few slices of salami which I followed with four chocolates from the Whitman Sampler my husband was given at Christmas), so I can't say much about healthy eating. But I can say that who you are as a person can be directly influenced by the people with whom you associate.
I've decided that my quest to understand and pursue God's light can be helped or hindered by the people with whom I spend my time and for whom I spend my energy. The right people fill me up with positivity, inspiration, and a desire to impact the world for good. And some people can diminish my joy with negativity, selfishness, or division. I can love both types of people, but perhaps I need to re-evaluate how much energy I am dedicating to the latter group. Is what I am taking in, on a relationship/friendship/acquaintance level, influencing and coming out in my character? Is what I am taking in positively or negatively impacting my heart and soul? Hmmm...something to chew on for sure (har har! I couldn't help grabbing that pun. I do love a pun!).
While I don't have any future plans to clean out my pantry, throw away the Oreos, and fill up the shelves with a stockpile of health foods, I think I can certainly examine where I am expending the most energy, passion, and time, and I can choose to focus my efforts where they will bear the best fruit.
And we all know that fruit grows best with lots and lots of light. May God's light shine on you this week and all year long!
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